Applied Bayesian Data Analysis
Hierarchical models
David Tolpin,
- Hyperprior
- Pooled vs. separate
- Group exchangeability
Box of marbles, from flat to hierarchical
Applied Bayesian Data Analysis
Hierarchical models
- Separate model, pooled model, hyperparameters
- Hierarchical normal model
- Exchangeability
David Tolpin,
Hierarchical model basics
- Many models represent 'groups'
- Parameters are shared inside groups
- Parameters of different groups
are related
- Represented by hierarchical models
- Parameters of parameters are called hyperparameters
CVD treatment example
- n hospitals
- CVD treatment in each hospital
- patients $y_{ij}$ at $j$th hospital survive with prob. $\theta_j$
- $\theta_j$ are related, via hyperparameter $\tau$
- hyperprior $p(\tau)$
- priors on parameters $p(\theta_j|\tau)$
- observations $p(y_{ij}|\theta_j)$
Joint posterior:
$$p(\theta, \tau|y) \propto p(y|\theta)p(\theta|\tau)p(\tau)$$
Example: risk of tumor in group of rats
Tumor in rats: population prior
- Prior: $Beta(\alpha, \beta)$, posterior: $Beta(\alpha + 4, \beta + 10)$
- Estimate prior from $\frac {y_j} {n_j}$: $\alpha=1.4$, $\beta=8.6$
- Posterior: $Beta(5.4, 18.6)$
Population prior: problems
- Same prior for first 70 experiments: double counting?
- Point estimate is not Bayes!
- Prior must be known before data. What is known before data?
Example: eight schools
- students had made pre-tests PSAT-M and
- part of students were coached
- linear regression was used to estimate the coaching effect
$y_j$ for the school $j$ (could be denoted with $\bar{y}_{.j}$,
too) and variances $\sigma_j^2$
- $y_j$ approximately normally distributed, with variances
assumed to be known based on about 30 students per school
- data is group means and variances (not personal results)
Eight schools: data
School | effect, $y_j$ | error, $\sigma_j$ |
A | 28 | 15 |
B | 8 | 10 |
C | -3 | 16 |
D | 7 | 11 |
E | -1 | 9 |
F | 1 | 11 |
G | 18 | 10 |
H | 12 | 18 |
Eight schools: model
\mu & \sim \mathrm{Normal}(0, 10) \\
\tau & \sim \mathrm{LogNormal}(0, 10) \\
\eta_i & \sim \mathrm{Normal}(0, 1) \\
\theta_i & = \mu + \tau\eta_i \\
\mathit{effect}_i & \sim \mathrm{Normal}(\theta_i, \mathit{error}_i)
- Justifies why we can use
- a joint model for data
- a joint prior for a set of parameters
- Less strict than independence
Exchangeability: definition
- Parameters
$\theta_1,\ldots,\theta_J$ (or observations $y_1,\ldots,y_J$) are
exchangeable if the joint distribution $p$ is invariant to the
permutation of indices $(1,\ldots,J)$
- e.g. $p(\theta_1,\theta_2,\theta_3) = p(\theta_2,\theta_3,\theta_1)$
- Exchangeability implies symmetry: If there is no information
which can be used a priori to separate $\theta_j$ form
each other, we can assume exchangeability. ("Ignorance implies
Results of experiments can be different
We know that:
- the experiments have been in two
different laboratories
- the other laboratory has better
conditions for the rats
We don't know which
experiments have been made in which laboratory.
- a priori experiments are exchangeable
Hierarchical exchangeability
Example: hierarchical rats example
- all rats not exchangeable
- in a single laboratory rats exchangeable
- laboratories exchangeable
- $\rightarrow$ hierarchical model
Partial or conditional exchangeability
- Conditional exchangeability:
if $y_i$ is connected to an additional information $x_i$, so
that $y_i$ are not exchangeable, but $(y_i,x_i)$ exchangeable
use joint model or conditional model $(y_i|x_i)$.
- Partial exchangeability:
if the observations can be grouped (a priori), then use
hierarchical model
Exchangeability and independence
- The simplest form — conditional independence:
$$p(x_1,\ldots,x_J|\theta)=\prod_{j=1}^J p(x_j|\theta)$$
- Let $(x_n)_{n=1}^{\infty}$ to be an infinite sequence of
exchangeable random variables. De Finetti's theorem:
there is some random variable $\theta$ so that $x_j$ are
conditionally independent given $\theta$.
- Joint density $x_1,\ldots,x_J$ is a mixture:
$$p(x_1,\ldots,x_J)=\int \left[\prod_{j=1}^J p(x_j|\theta)\right]p(\theta)d\theta$$
Dependent but Exchangeable
- A six sided die with probabilities (a finite sequence!)
- without additional knowledge $\theta_1,\ldots,\theta_6$
- due to the constraint $\sum_{j=1}^6\theta_j$, parameters
are not independent and thus joint distribution can not be
presented as iid mixture